Партнерская поддержка
Our Partner Promise
We thrive on a simple mission: to make everyday tasks easier, faster and more intuitive.
It is our promise to do so through both our products and our partnerships.
Growing Together
More than 500 Newland partners represent the diverse markets they serve around EMEA. Our network is continuously growing, both in number and through mutual growth with our partners. We’re here to nurture a relationship centered around growing together.
We take great pride in ensuring our team is an extension of yours, and vice versa. It is our ongoing promise to offer support centered around personalization, ease-of-use and the short-lines that make up a good partnership. It is our promise to be committed to our partners, and we will continue to evolve our structure to fit the needs of our partners.
Explore who has already joined us in our mission to making scanning simpler
Already a Newland partner?
Benefit from exclusive partner services that make helping your customers even simpler.
RMA procedure
Marketing Support
Need Support?
Our technical support team is here to help you with any question regarding your Newland product performance, software configuration and more.